In deze paperback journal kun je al jouw dromen opschrijven. Met voorin een handige eigenaarspagina en daarnaast voor elke droom een bladzijde. Leuk toch? Droom ze!
Do you have frequently returning dreams that make such an impression on yourself that you would write them down, just to be able to remember it? Or do you want to be able to reconstruct them, understand them, use them for a story? A dream Journal can be so fun to help with all of that!
This paperback with 60 pages of white lines and rounded frames, only contains the words ' I dreamed...' on every page. The first page is the owner / emergency page.
In my Dreams
SKU: SKU-JO-69-ST01-011
50 pages paperback
white lined paper with the words " I dreamed..."
ISNB-13: 979-8459933147